The Rest Of Yesterday
Mark Christopher Gallery, Toronto Canada

Installation views, Mark Christopher Gallery

'We Had All The Time In The World But That's All We Had' archival inkjet print 20" x 30"

'Death Heals The Devil Heart' and 'Mare Cognitum' archival inkjet prints 7" x 8.75"

'The Future Arrives Different Every Morning' archival injet print 13" x 20"

'The Golden Days Of Missing You' archival inkjet print 20" x 30"

'The Wind Phone' and 'The Fear Of Aging Is Cured By Getting Old' archival inkjet prints 30" x 20"

'Lie Down Where The Feeling Is Found' archival inkjet print 20" x 30"

'The Hold Music' and 'A Fever Dreams It's Own Sweat' archival inkjet prints 13" x 20"

'Sleep Living' archival injet print 20" x 30"

'Shallow Dive' archival inkjet print 20" x 30"

'A Last Possession' and 'The First Sleep Is Different Than The Second Sleep' archival inkjet prints 30" x 20"

Continuing his exploration of the common and often overlooked realms through
which daily life is lived, Trautrimas’ new exhibition imagines how body and
object interact and influence one other by asking: How might the environments
and the items of daily life reflect psychological and emotional states?

A collection of digitally rendered inkjet prints present distorted subjects
that are imagined to act as external vessels for the fraught experiences
carried by their unseen users. Demonstrating their burden, these inanimate
stand-ins have been extended, bonded, confined, made redundant or dangerous;
a hatchet warms in the glow of a toaster, telephones listen to one another,
a turntable stylus stretches beyond its own frontier to tempt music from a
black padded stool, a piano sits in forlorn sonic amputation.

Through use of post-photographic digital imaging techniques, the objects and
spaces encountered in these works oscillate on the line between tangible and
imagined realities – physically plausible though not physically existent.
Conspicuous illumination inspired by a surrealistic tenebrism further amplifies
an atmosphere of cognitive strangeness. Uncertainty is a foundational element
within this uncanny valley of a world.

Although the subjects of these works carry a personal meaning for the artist
they are nearly universally recognizable, providing room for the viewer to
relate without requiring the exact narrative of Trautrimas’s own experiences.
At once both embracing and alienating, the beguiling environments of this world
invite acts of rumination around feelings of loss, nostalgia, anxieties,
injuries and absence.

David Trautrimas
